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Michael P. Carlton: Environmental law and environmental policies
Michael P. Carlton, 2-10 May 2018
Course outline
This series of four lectures will explore United Stated Environmental Law, general principals of US law relating to the environmental regulatory process, and environmental issues of current interest. The first lecture will present an overview of the American legal system and its origins, and will then look at the place of the expert in standard-setting and disputes. The second lecture will provide a high-level survey of the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act, along with a discussion of timely issues relating to water (e.g., right to use water) and air (e.g., impact of clean air law on climate change). The third lecture will examine US law relating to the management of waste, followed by discussion of the federal law controlling waste clean-up, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (“CERCLA” of “Superfund”). The final lecture will address and explore current United States and international Resource issues, such as endangered species, renewable resources, ocean resources. Students will be expected to read approximately two United States court decisions for each class and be prepared to discuss the decisions. If time and organization permit, each student will provide, after consultation with the lecturer, a short overview of European Union and Romanian law relevant to the lecture topics. Students are encouraged to participate actively throughout the course, and to share their perspectives on the matters discussed. This will greatly enrich this cross-cultural exchange, and our understanding of the substantive law.
Course schedule
Wednesday, 2 May: 13,00-16,00 (room A303)
Thursday, 3 May: 14,00-17,00 (room A303)
Wednesday, 9 May: 13,00-16,00 (room A303)
Thursday, 10 May: 14,00-17,00 (room A303)
Lecturer bio
Mike Carlton worked as a trial attorney at the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington, D.C., representing the EPA and other government agencies. Thereafter, he worked as a senior attorney and policy analyst with the Environmental Law Institute, and then as Wisconsin counsel for a national environmental organization. Mike has taught and studied environmental law and policy in Washington, D.C., London, and the University of Wisconsin Law School. Mike heads the firm’s Environmental Law Practice representing a wide range of public and private entities in regulatory and transactional matters.
Mike is a frequent lecturer on environmental issues and he has authored numerous articles including publications in CBE Environmental Review, The Milwaukee Business Journal and Small Business Times. He is a member of the American Bar Association (Section of Natural Resources, Energy and Environmental Law); the State Bar of Wisconsin; and Federation of Environmental Technologists.
Mike is listed in Chambers USA, The Best Lawyers in America® and Wisconsin Super Lawyers® in Environmental Law and Litigation-Environmental. Mike was selected by The Best Lawyers in America® as Milwaukee’s 2016 “Lawyer of the Year” for Litigation - Environmental. In July of 2006, Mike was awarded AV Preeminent® Peer Review Rated by Martindale-Hubbell®, the highest rating possible.
(http://www.vonbriesen.com/professional-profiles/1014/michael- p-carlton)
Hasznos információk:
- A Sapientia EMTE és a BBTE joghallgatói, valamint végzett jogászok jelentkezhetnek (maximum 20 fő).
- Az előadásokon való részvétel ingyenes. A jelentkezés feltételezi, hogy a hallgató a program egészén részt vesz, és amennyiben nem, a jelentkezésével vállalja 150 euró, illetve végzett jogászok esetében 350 euró költségtérítés megfizetését (nem alkalmazandó, ha a kimaradásnak megfelelő orvosi papírral alátámasztott egészségügyi okai vannak).
- A képzés elvégzéséről a résztvevők diplomát (participation certificate) kapnak.
- Az angol nyelv megfelelő ismerete előfeltétel.
- Jelentkezni 2018. április 26. 10.00 óráig, a csikivanda[kukac]kv.sapientia.ro e-mail címen lehet.
- A jelentkezők április 27-ig visszaigazolást kapnak a jelentkezés elfogadásáról vagy elutasításáról. A végleges résztvevői lista április 30-án kerül közlésre.