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Korábbi rendezvényünk: Lucinda Storm: Introduction to Business Tort Law

December 8-19, 2014, Sapientia University, Department of Law, Cluj-Napoca

Wednesday, 10th December, 14,00--16,00, classroom A303

Thursday, 11th December, 14,00--16,00, classroom A303

Friday, 12th December, 14,00--16,00, classroom A203

Tuesday, 16th December, 16,00--18,00, classroom A204

Wednesday, 17th December, 14,00--16,00, classroom A303

Thursday, 18th December, 14,00--16,00, classroom A303


- A Sapientia EMTE és a BBTE joghallgatói és végzett jogászok jelentkezhetnek (összesen max. 20 fő).

- A Sapientia EMTE angol haladó nyelvi oktatásban résztvevő joghallgatóinak a kurzuson való részvétele KÖTELEZŐ.

- A kurzusok heti 3x2 óra, két hét alatt összesen 6x2 óra jelenlétet feltételeznek.

- Az előadásokon való részvétel ingyenes. A jelentkezés feltételezi, hogy a hallgató a program egészén részt vesz, és amennyiben nem, a jelentkezésével vállalja 150 euró, illetve végzett jogászok esetében 350 euró költségtérítés megfizetését (nem alkalmazandó, ha a kimaradásnak megfelelő orvosi papírral alátámasztott egészségügyi okai vannak).

- A képzés elvégzéséről a résztvevők diplomát (participation certificate) kapnak.

- Az angol nyelv megfelelő ismerete előfeltétel.

Jelentkezni 2015. december 3-a 15,00 óráig, az albert.kati[kukac] e-mail címen lehet (az e-mail-nek tartalmaznia kell a jelentkező teljes nevét, személyi igazolvány számát, állandó és kolozsvári lakcímét, személyi számát, e-mail címét és mobil telefonos elérhetőségét, az egyetem elnevezését és az évfolyamot).

- A jelentkezők legkésőbb 2015. december 3-án visszaigazolást kapnak a jelentkezés elfogadásáról vagy elutasításáról. A  végleges résztvevői lista is ekkor kerül közlésre.

Lucinda Storm is a principal in San Francisco at the Law Offices of Lucinda L. Storm, Esq. Ms. Storm's practice is focused primarily on defense of complex litigation matters for domestic and international clients in environmental matters, toxic torts, product liability law and business advice related thereto.

Introduction to Business Tort Law and Litigation

The course introduces the basic foundation of U.S. Business Torts Law and the three categories composing the basic law that covers when an individual or business is legally liable for non-contractual harm to other businesses or individuals and the body of law designed to redress such harm through civil litigation. Students will be asked to analyze the legal implications of potentially tortious acts by applying common sense and pragmatic reasoning and the IRAC methodology typically used for legal analysis. The course is participatory. Students are encouraged to participate and develop insights through discussion. Power point presentations will be utilized to present the law and the fact patterns to be analyzed.

Wednesday December 10 - Introduction to the Law of Business Torts

This session will introduce students to the full range of types of non-contractual claims and disputes that frequently arise in business transactions, business and property ownership and management, and employment relationships, as well as disputes that arise in the competitive business environments in which individuals and companies operate and the laws that apply to such disputes; Elements, Definitions, Examples, Remedies and discussion of the impact of business torts particularly in the United States.

Thursday December 11 - Negligence and Defenses to Negligence Actions

This session will cover the foundations of negligence under U.S. common law, the concepts of "duty", the "reasonable person" standard normally applied, "proximate cause", whether the acts are the legal cause of harm as well as defenses that can be offered to such allegations. Students will be introduced to various examples of negligence lawsuits, defenses and related damages and remedies.

Friday December 12 - Intentional Torts and Defenses to Intentional Torts

This session covers the law that applies to any deliberate interference with a legally recognized interest such as interference with the right to privacy, bodily integrity, freedom from confinement or deception and the right to emotional tranquility. Types of intentional torts to be covered include fraud, misrepresentation, false imprisonment, invasion of privacy, assault and battery and defenses thereto. Students will be introduced to these torts through hypothetical fact patterns and actual lawsuits.

Tuesday, 16th December - Strict Liability and Defenses to Strict Liability

This session covers the law of strict liability which imposes liability by statute for injury or damage to persons or property for a harmful act without accompanying intent or mental state. Examples include ultra-hazardous activities, inherently dangerous activities, defective products and employer-employee liability.

Wednesday December 17 - Tort Liability for Defective Products and Defenses

This session will introduce product liability law including negligent and intentional liability and strict products liability for design, manufacture and supply of products, warranty liability, liability for failure to adequately warn of defects, premises liability, defenses, damages and other remedies.

Thursday December 18 - Vicarious Liability, Respondent Superior and Defenses

This session introduces the students to the law of absolute liability imposed on a third person for the acts of another for whom they are responsible including liability of a principal for the acts of its agent, employer-employee liability, joint-enterprise liability, bailments, the standard for imposing liability on a party that may not be negligent, defenses, damages and remedies.


© 2011 Jog Szak, Sapientia Erdélyi Magyar Tudományegyetem, Kolozsvári Kar

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