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Law and Artificial Intelligence

9-10 May 2019

Location: Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Department of Law, Cluj-Napoca, Calea Turzi street no. 4, room B301, Romania

Law and Artificial Intelligence

9-10 May 2019, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania (Romania)
University of Opole (Poland)

Location: Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Department of Law, in the beautiful historical town of Cluj-Napoca, Romania (Cluj-Napoca, Calea Turzii street no. 4, Romania, Room B301


9 MAY 2019


09.30 Panel I. - AI and Creativity

Wiebe, Andreas: AI as an Inventor?
Banterle, Francesco; Trabucco, Giovanni (Milan): Inventor v. Author, and the Robot

Coffee break

Balogh Zsolt György: New Toolkit of Legal Knowledge Representation: Big Data and Fuzzy Logic
Dymitruk, Maria: Artificial Intelligence as a Tool to Improve Administration of Justice?

Coffee break

Mike Nimród: "Virtuality Awaits" or Digitizing the Role of Counselling in the Modern Era
Székely János: Lawyers and the Machine. The Possible Effects of Machine Learning and Other Forms of Artificial Intelligence on Legal Practice

13.00 Lunch

15.00 Panel II. The Inspiring Force of Literature on AI Regulation

Stec, Piotr; Czaplinska, Joanna: How to Stop the AI Apocalypse and Demise of the Humankind? A Consumer and Industrial Safety Law Perspective
Avarvarei, Simona Catrinel; Dominte, Nicoleta Rodica: ‘La France contre les Robots' - At the Crossroads of Humanity, Law and Prophetic Utterance

Coffee break

Tapodi Zsuzsanna, Veress Csongor-Balázs: Solaris: Transtextuality, Law and Security

Scarano, Bianca F.: Asimov's Laws as a Safeguard of Artificial Intelligence

18.00 Concert for conference participants (in the Studio)

19.00 Festive dinner

10 MAY 2019

9.00 Panel III. - The Challenges of Big Data and the Knowledge Gained by its Use

Kusak, Martina; Pawłowski, Tomasz: Can we Afford not to Know? A Need for Common EU Approach to Covert AI and Automated Decision-making in Public Space
Alberti, Isabella: [Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in the Public Sector. Data Protection, Administrative and Public Law]

Coffee break

Krupa-Lipinska, Katarzyna: Automated Decision Making upon Data Profiling in Europe
Miasato, Alessandra Noel; dos Reis Silva, Fabiana Aparecida: [Artificial Intelligence as an Instrument of Discrimination in Workforce Recruitment]

Coffee break

11.30 Panel IV. AI, Work and Liability for a Job Done Wrong

Ţop, Dan: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Labor Law
Ződi Zsolt: How Will Robot-laws Look Like?

Coffee break

Haney, Brian S.: The Optimal Agent: The Future of Autonomous Vehicles and Liability Theory. The Perils and Promises of Artificial General Intelligence
Pusztahelyi Réka: Liability for Intelligent Robots, in the Viewpoint of the Strict Liability Rule of the Hungarian Civil Code

Organizing committee:

  • Prof. dr. Piotr Stec
  • Prof. dr. Emőd Veress
  • Prof. dr. Joanna Czaplińska
  • Prof. dr. Zsuzsanna Tapodi
  • Dr. Boróka Prohászka-Rád
  • Dr. János Székely
The conference is supported by the Hungarian Ministry of Justice



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