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Roman law traditions and the modern private law II. edition

9th December 2011, 14,00-19,00

The conference is organized in collaboration with the Transylvanian Museum Society, which is an academic institution established in 1859 through civic contributions. The founder is Count Imre Miko, who donated his garden with an area of ​​12 acres with buildings located on this land.

14,00 Opening

Roman Law Tradition and Contemporary Civil Law - II.

14.05-14.35 Molnár, Imre (University of Szeged): Order of Criminal Procedure in Ancient Rome

14.35-15.05 Nótári, Tamás (Károli Gáspár University; Sapientia University): Elements of Roman Criminal Law in Cicero's Verrines

Coffee break

15.30-15.50 Voicu, Alexandru-Virgil; Kis, Réka (Sapientia University): Consequences of the Lack of Regulation of Extramarital Partnership in the New Civil Code

15.50-16.10 Székely, János (attorney at law): Legal Consequences of Invalidity due to Fraud in the New Civil Code

16.10-16.30 Sztanyiczki, Szilárd (Sapientia University): On Prescription according to the New Civil Code

Coffee break

17.00-17.20 Pantilimon, Richárd (Sapientia University): Marriage Contract in the Mirror of the New Civil Code

17.20-17.40 Veress, Emőd (Sapientia University): On the Binding Force of Contracts: Continuity and Innovation in the New Civil Code

17.40 Book presentations:


  • Dr. Nótári Tamás: Római köz- és magánjog [Roman Public and Private Law], Scientia Kiadó, Kolozsvár, 2011 (presented by: Dr. Molnár Imre)
  • Marcus Tullius Cicero összes perbeszédei [Complete Pleadings of Marcus Tullius Cicero] , Lectum Kiadó, Szeged, 2010, translation by Dr. Nótári Tamás (presented by: Dr. Molnár Imre)
  • Dr. Szilárd Sztranyiczki: Drept civil. Drepturile reale principale conform noului Cod civil [Civil Law. Property Law in the new Civil Code], Ed. Status, Cluj-Napoca - Miercurea Ciuc, 2011 (presentated by: Székely János)
  • Dr. Lupán, Ernő, Dr. Sztranyiczki, Szilárd: Román-magyar magyarázó jogi szótár. Îndrumar de terminologie româno-maghiară. Polgári jog: általános rész, jogalanyok. Drept civil: partea generală, persoanele [Romanian-Hungarian Explanatory Dictionary of Law. Civil Law: Introduction, Subjects of Law], Scientia Kiadó, Kolozsvár, 2011 (presented by: Kokoly Zsolt)

18:00 Reception


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